Morgan "Moe" Nielsen

What set the hook? As a child my stepfather would always go out on his boat and spearfish so naturally, I would always want to go. As he would come up from his dives I would play with the lobster and fish he would catch fish, so that’s where the love of the water really took place for me. Later in life I had the chance to get my open water certification, so I got it. A few years after getting my certification I ended up working on a dive boat and I got to meet so many amazing divers and people I now call my close friends. While working on the boat for a few years I got a good taste of what I wanted to do with diving.
Certifications: Padi: Open Water, Advanced, Drysuit, Fill Station Operator
Goals: My primary goal in diving is to be a safe and reliable diver. I really want to go the technical route and get training to be certified on a rebreather. I would also love to go dive somewhere tropical and be able to sit in one place for a long time and watch the magic of the underwater world go by me. To contact Moe you can email her at