Wil Pattillo

What set the hook? In 1983, I was snorkeling in Hawaii at Hanauma Bay with all of the bright colored fish and beautiful reef. I was completely hooked and have been trying to get certified ever since. In 1999 my wife and I did a DSD and a shark dive in the Bahamas and we both thought we would come home and get certified. Life got in the way. When my middle son was going through open water through his school I saw the opportunity and now the whole family is certified.
Certifications: Master Scuba Diver, Dive Master
Goals: At first I only wanted to be an advanced open water diver, 3 years, I am still completely addicted to diving and learning to be a better diver. I became a Dive Master candidate because I love helping and teaching as much as I love to dive. I am in the water at every opportunity.